I completely understand.
As a Dermatology Nurse Practitioner, I have
supported hundreds of patients with medical treatment of
hair disorders.
I found that so many individuals wanted to avoid
prescriptions for their hair loss problems. But they didn’t
know of another alternative and didn’t want to waste money
on ineffective supplements.
In 2020 I began developing Protervis Premium Hair
Complex. I researched clinically studied natural ingredients
to support hair growth and incorporate these ingredients to
create a 100% drug-free powerhouse hair vitamin that is
bioavailable and effective for women experiencing thinning
hair and hair loss.
Daily Hair Nutrition
No artificial ingredients and 100% vegetarian easy-to-swallow soft capsules. No fillers, binders, gluten, wheat, or dairy. And no animal testing.
Clinical Strength
Increased bioavailability means we’re not just putting a dusting of ingredients into our product. We make sure that it is the full dose to make a difference.
100% Drug-free
Formulated with an extensive number of proven vitamins, minerals, and botanicals – so no nasty side effects.
Blended in the USA
Manufactured at a cGMP Certified Laboratory to ensure strict FDaA Standards and a contaminant-free product.
Our Ingredients
Formulated with an extensive number of vitamins, minerals, botanicals, and patented ingredients that target multiple root causes of hair loss
Collapsible content
● A B-Complex vitamin that is essential for body tissue
● Stimulates keratin production in hair and can increase the rate of follicle growth
● Can improve overall hair quality, including thickness and shine
Hydrolyzed Fish Collagen Powder
● Collagen is rich in the amino acids required to build keratin, the protein that makes up hair
● Can act as an antioxidant and fight damage caused by free radicals
● Hydrolyzed collagen is the best form because it means the collagen is broken down into tiny, absorbable particles
OptiMSM ®
● The studies on Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and hair growth have shown that it promotes the formation of bonds at the
follicle level
● These bonds strengthen existing hair strands and help promote new growth, strength, and elasticity
Saw Palmetto Extract
● Derived from the ripe berries of the Serenoa repens palm tree native to the SE region of the US
● Has anti-inflammatory properties on the scalp
● May also prevent hair loss by reducing the uptake of DHT (which is linked to hair loss) in your hair follicles
● High potency extract from the leaves and roots of the Ashwagandha plant
● Ashwagandha helps the body heal from stress and encourages hormonal balance that can prevent hair loss/ promote growth
● An extract obtained from black pepper fruits containing piperine, the bioactive ingredient in black pepper
● Increases the bioavailability of nutritional supplements to make them more effective.
● Anti-inflammatory and a high-level antioxidant, capable of eliminating free radicals within the body.
● A patented, naturally sourced supercharged version of vitamin E
● Contains both tocotrienols and tocopherols that contains all eight isoforms of vitamin E
● A potent antioxidant that helps to reduce lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress in the scalp, which is known to be associated
with alopecia
Japanese Knotweed Root Extract
● Highly praised because of its high content of the antioxidant resveratrol
● Helps telogen or catagen stage hair follicles (phases of shedding and going dormant) enter into anagen stage (hair forms a
new hair shaft), thus promoting hair growth.
Bamboo stem or shoot extract
● Known for its scalp-soothing properties, improves blood circulation in the scalp, strengthening hair follicles
● Filled with antioxidant and anti-irritant properties that create an environment for more hair to grow
● A concentrated extract of capsaicinoids from red chili peppers.
● Capsaicin can increase the expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase(eNOS), an enzyme that helps open small blood
vessels, promoting healthy circulation.

Feeling more confident about your hair is easy:
1. Order Protervis today
2. Use as directed
3. Have a great hair day - everyday